Business and market development within the polymer and INFRA structure Industry. Kjell Oddvar has different positions in Norwegian and European companies. He also has a broad experience from transactions made in Europe both on the buyer and from the seller side.
Kjell Oddvar have had different roles within business development, sales and marketing, the last decade as president and CEO in market leading companies within their markets. The geographical locations have been Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Poland and the UK.
Stein Dietrichson has been working with recycling of thermoplastics since early 1980 and with bio fiber reinforced polymers since 1998. He holds several patents and has been leading large development projects, several involving recycled polymers and biofiber reinforced polyolefins.
Stein graduated as a plastics engineer from TGM in Vienna in 1973 with additional education in sales and marketing in 1975. He has wide experience from sales, marketing and technical service in the polymer area. He has also been in production and marketing of polymer related industry for the building industry, road safety and other areas in German, English and Norwegian multinational companies.
In 1998 Stein founded Re-Turn AS to develop and produce thermoplastic bio-composites, which slowly also is moving into Europe and is started up in Norway in 2022 by Norske Skog Saugbrugs. This development has been supported since 2016 by NP&PT (previously Re-Organic AS) and based on the knowledge from 24 years’ experience built up in Re-Turn AS. NP&PT continued this technology development from 2016 combined with recycled thermoplastic developments.
Re-Turn has continued and is steadily growing expertise and capacity in specialized epoxy formulations, with a lot of experience with nano modification of polymers. During the 20 last years a modern and well-equipped research and test lab. Has been built, also assisting NP&PT in quality assure and improve the recycled thermoplastics offered to the Scandinavian market.
Joachim Karthäuser is Ph.D. chemist and has worked internationally in petrochemicals R&D, quality management, sales, business development and management for multinational companies such as Shell, NKT and AGA/ Linde Gas, and more recently in start-up companies including SiOx Machines AB and Climeon AB.
Joachim has been working with deicing projects for a long time and is one of the inventors of deicing with nano-coatings heated by microwaves.
Markus works with market and sales development. He has a bachelor’s degree in innovation and project management from Østfold University College, where he specialized in sustainable innovation and development.
Consultant / WPC Expert - Diethard Cascorbi
Diethard is living in Germany and is an educated plastics engineer with over 20 years of experience in in different areas in the plastics industry. He has been working as a technical manager and then plant manager of the natural fibre reinforced compounding and extrusion business unit of a large German wood company. He has also worked many years with polymer and technical propducts related sales and development to the European and US-based automotive, appliances and mechanical engineering industry. WE are looking forward to cooperate with Diethard and believe he will strengthen our team and the Norwegian competence in the development of biocomposites and recycled polymers.
Fredrik is responsible for all matters related to our website and social media. He has a background in language studies, with additional education in international marketing.
In later years he has been focusing more on web development and is currently managing several sites and webshops in addition to NP&PT.