Cook the oceans cleaner!
In these modern days it’s easy to forget that over 3 billion people still cook over open fire. Firewood and other fuels are more scarce, while the volume of plastics waste in the oceans is getting dangerously high. These two facts combined, gave Re-Organic an idea! What if we could use the plastics waste and combine it with useless organic fiber waste as cooking fuel?
We understand that this might seem as a bad idea at first sight! Burning plastics? Usually not a good idea! But with our unique knowledge of plastics and organic materials, we are combining the floating, plastic film- and foil- waste with organic waste fibers to create a product to change the game!
This product is a material combination of waste organic fibers with waste plastics, which will be less harmful to the environment when burned than normal wood. We have made several smoke-gas analysis at RISE (Swedish Research Institute), proving that these mixed materials are better for the environment when combusted, than pure wood! Not only that, but it will heat nearly as fast as liquid paraffin, because the organic fibers will act as wicks as in candles and absorb molten plastics, which contains a lot of energy.
We are still in the development process , but prototypes ( and analysis /technical information) of some end products are available for testing purposes today.

We will continue to update this page with information, but in the meantime you can contact us if you want to know more!